There's hardly anything to do nowadays. For the next few days, I hardly have more than three classes. All of this is driving me mad. I.WANT.WORK. But you know what the problem is? When you're caught up in a wild frenzy of deadlines, one small piece of work doesn't seem to be too much. But when you're whiling away your time, the littlest effort requires a lot of motivation and determination - a theory I was happily explaining to whiny Gokul. But yes, I am getting rather sick of doing nothing. There are contests to take part in but Ramadhan combined with chilly, please-let's-stay-in-bed mornings and the general atmosphere seem to be too much to battle. Today I broke all previous records by sleeping at 9 and waking up at 5 pm. Then spent two hours feeling bad about it. (It seems women are more self-critical than men. And more in need of attention. I don't want to believe it's true, but I know it is). After being very unresponsive to mom over gtalk (also because I had just got my hands on Photoshop), I realized that I better get out of my room and get some fuel to my jaded engine. Just to ensure that the engine stayed running, I made sure to take my laptop along so that I could go to the library after dindin.
And so I did, spent some time poring over Hindustan Times' Mint and have two things to share with you, my esteemed two and a half readers,
- The HR firm, Hewitt, predicts that salaries of people in the finance, banking and related IT industries will rise by 14.45% this year. Yayy!
- UTV is planning to start a TV channel directed at youth, called Bindass (such a new, fresh name!) whose programming will include, among others, a program called 'Sun Yaar Chill Maar', an Indian version of the popular sitcom Friends. :| (Ewww count = 3 (J, Orgy and Blister)
(PS: Blister says that I must not make people watch Ammy videos, cause they might not be as interested as I am. But I can't help it. She's just so.. sigh. I don't think I've ever been so excited and obsessed with a human being. She's coming here soon Inshallah.)
(PS2: Blister just wrote on gtalk: ammy scratching laptop keyboard :D (she sitting in blister's lap while blister typing) :-*)
when will ppl learn! You actually *want* work???
the newspaper is called 'mint'??
waah u ppl dont hav any work!! thats unfair .. go find some work :P
seriously why would u want work??!!
'two and a half readers' Why do all ALL bloggers say that? As if they don't know exactly how many, from where and when people accessed their blog. I mean c'mon! Sorry for the rant but it's just gotten too much.
On behalf of all the lurkers on every blog :P
ironhide, have a few days of absolutely nothing to do and you'll know what i'm talking about :)
doda, yes. Surprisingly, yes. And about why I want work, refer to answer above :P
appyta, I did not want to disclose this but I average around 6 visits a day. 3 of the times its me making some change to my blog or sth of that sort :P
abbey enable feeds! google reader sucks! or do you WANT people to come here and check for updates?! :P
I don't know how to :| I shall check blogger options :)
you do NOT have two and a half readers a day :P
modesty wodesty :P
i gave explanashun above!
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