Thursday, April 22, 2010

Notes to myself

Yesterday was a good day. Left office at 6, just after the manager sadly asked me if I were leaving the firm soon. Heeh. I am! YesIAM! Went off to do wedding dress shopping. After having seen multiple red dresses, mother said only this particular one fit all my constraints - so we told them to keep it aside and decided to call it a night. However, not far away Simra and Shahzadi stood, displaying their wares. Turns out oonchi dukaan, pheeka pakwan. Zey were terrible, I tell you. Father, who by then was feeling extremely hungry and getting testy, decided to go in search of food and by the time we were done with S & S (which didn't take very long btw), we saw Fawda happily drinking some fruit juice. We decided to wait in the car while the fowda got us SHAWARMAS. Yayy, and they were pretty good too - not too Indianized. Fawda also got mango juice - which was thick and heavenly. While we ate, we decided that the dress we had asked to keep aside was pretty good and I should get it, so we did. Also got one saree and two dresses, one that shall be the rasam dress. Eeh. I decided to hold the sharara against myself to measure the height and was trying to take it from the mother's hands while she was handing it to me - and it wouldn't budge! So I was like, Mummy, I think you're stepping on it, could you please move? And what did I realize then? NOBODY was stepping on it at all - the dress is THAT HEAVY. Ohmigod. Like I was telling the Immu, maybe they make it so heavy so the bride doesn't think of running away. A pretty way of handcuffing her to the stage and making the vidai all the more dififcult. Now all that remains is to boohoo like Blister ;) :D Hee hee hee Blister! :P

As you can see, I have a lot of time on my hands. Nobody gives me too much work these days and neither am I inclined to take on much of it myself. I have slaved enough for this company, I tell you! ;) These days, the hardest thing to do (after the awfully sultry ride to the office) is to shut down those Facebook and blogger tabs and get to work. Really tough man. I'm wondering what I'll do at home for so menny menny days since mother does not approve of facebooking and bloahging. But then, there's Mother who will surely find something for me to do. 

To all those who cook Indian food - try this blog: She's really good - I tried some of her recipes and they came out awesome. Okbye.

1 comment:

Su said...

Whats with women and marriage shopping? Madness I say.

Now food - yes, thats where the attention should be